Scaling and Partnership Support
What We Believe How We Work Our Partners Measuring Impact Coalitions
What We Believe How We Work Our Partners Measuring Impact Coalitions
At Planet Indonesia, we believe conservation is most effective when driven by those directly impacted.
Our Scaling and Partnership Support Strategy focuses on supporting local civil society organizations that are deeply embedded in their communities. These organizations not only understand the unique challenges and opportunities of their local places and people but also possess the critical relationships needed to drive change.
We diligently search for and identify locally-led organizations that align with our values and have demonstrated potential in delivering impactful community conservation models. Our process focuses on building trust and fostering long-term relationships, rather than just transactional interactions.
We provide flexible funding through two primary grant mechanisms designed to meet the diverse needs of frontline organizations. This funding approach ensures that our partners have the financial support necessary to both sustain and expand their efforts.
Beyond financial support, we offer ongoing technical assistance to enhance program delivery. This includes everything from training in legal processes and good governance to ecosystem management and financial inclusion strategies.
We connect CSOs to organizational development specialists who help build their institutional capacity. This empowerment is crucial for ensuring that they can reach their full potential and have a more significant conservation impact.
Partners range from small grassroots organizations to larger, more established NGOs, all united by a common goal of conserving nature and improving livelihoods.
We not only support our partners but also learn from them. Regular workshops, meetings, and joint programs facilitate a two-way exchange of knowledge and strategies. This collaborative approach not only enhances individual projects but also strengthens the overall impact of our collective efforts.
We are dedicated to co-creating impact with our partners, aligning on shared goals, and establishing collaborative monitoring frameworks. By working together, we not only strive for but continually enhance outcomes—each partner bringing their unique approach as we move toward Healthy Tropical Ecosystems and Thriving Communities.
Aliansi Bumi Kita - translated into English as, Our Earth Alliance is a collaborative initiative composed of seven NGOs in Indonesia: Yayasan Planet Indonesia (YPI), AKAR Global Inisiatif, Perkumpulan Japesda, Yayasan JARI, Yayasan Tananua Flores, Konservasi Kakatua Indonesia (KKI), and Toli Toli Labengki Giant Clam Conservation (TLGC).
The Alliance focuses on securing community tenure over marine and land agrarian resources, influencing decentralized policy to speed up the process and protect rights, improving community wellbeing, and ensuring that nature is effectively governed.
In October 2024, Planet Indonesia hosted the virtual Connect Summit.
This inaugural event was a unique opportunity for funders to connect directly with some of the incredible local partners we collaborate with across Indonesia. Four outstanding organizations presented their frontline work in community conservation spanning from the West to East Indonesia.