Annual Report 2022

It’s July, the world’s hottest month on record so far, and if you are like us, then you are feeling the heat. The challenges posed by the global climate crisis are monumental, requiring solutions that are robust, adaptable, and intrinsically sustainable. At Planet Indonesia, we believe that the key to meeting this challenge lies in the heart of communities on the frontlines of climate change.

Amid the rising temperatures, we have been reflecting. The team just gathered for the 6-month retrospective of our new structure and strategy to ensure that the services we provide and the impact we strive for are delivered in the most effective way. What better time to look back at our achievements of 2022 and evaluate how our work to improve the socio-economic standing of communities is helping combat climate change and biodiversity loss and boosting the resilience of the most vulnerable in our communities so they can better stand against the increasing climate and economic shocks.

Take a high-level look at some of our organization-wide reach and impact achievements of the year and read the full report with stories from the communities we serve below.


In this report, we detail:

  • our new theory of change

  • the reach and impact we have had over 2022

  • stories from the communities we support

  • our financials and share our thanks for all our supporters

  • and have a preview of what is to come in 2023.

Thank you for standing with us on this journey. Together, let us continue to create meaningful change and foster a more sustainable and equitable world.


This work is done in partnership with BKSDA Kalimantan Barat. We express our depest gratitude.